Friday, January 12, 2018

What New Heavy Metal Music To Listen To

By Lisa West

The Australian band Belphegor has released so many albums that people who are fans can pick out their sound instantly. They have worked everything they know about making a hardcore song that people will love into "Apophis - Black Dragon". This is one of the new heavy metal music singles that gets people moving because of the starts and stops, amazing melodies, and energetic chugging.

"No Lives Matter" from the band Body Count is a direct and in-your-face take on some of the most important social issues that are taking place right now. It is easy to see how much Ice-T believe in and is frustrated about the lyrics he is performing. It also becomes easy to feel the same way he does after listening to it.

When Jeremy Wagner of Broken Hope came across some guitars that once belonged to and were played by the famous Jeff Hanneman from the band Slayer, he knew he had to have them. He didn't know what would become of them, but he knew it would be something special. That was when he and the band made their album called Mutilated and Assimilated, and he recorded such hits from the album as "The Carrion Eaters" on these legendary guitars.

Forever is an album by Code Orange that is just as disgusting and horrible as their fans would expect. The title track of the album is so chaotic and full of violent energy that it affects any environment where it is played. Highly distorted and with intense lyrics, this is a great pick for fans of this genre.

Nothing is better than when a band really finds a way to capture its beloved sound again after it may have left them for a number of years, or for them to find an all-new sound entirely that works for them and their audience. This is how the band DragonForce finds itself on their album Reaching into Infinity. It's hard not to feel triumphant when listening to "Ashes of the Dawn".

People who like to move around and express themselves physically in violent ways when they listen to songs in this genre are probably familiar with Dying Fetus. The songs this band plays are perfect for that type of activity, including "Die With Integrity". This song blends new styles with some of the older ones.

There are plenty of dark bands to look into from Norway. One of the favorites of many is called Enslaved, and they have been playing songs about Vikings and rituals for a long time now. "Storm Son" is one of their absolute masterpieces, and it takes listening to it with headphones on, over a quality sound system, or live to hear everything that they put into this barbaric song.

It is hard for a band to find a new frontman, especially when fans have grown to love them. The death of Oderus Urungus, AKA Dave Brockie, left GWAR without a singer. Fortunately, Blothar has been able to handle the material, and he really shines on "F--ck This Place".

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